PM Report from the Treestand
Location: Wilderness Rd. Reclaimed Strip Mine.
Locals call it "The Moonscape"
Deer Sigtings:
- "Funny Horns" @ 3:40pm. 20yd
- 1 doe and a 4pt at dusk. 40yds
- new buck. white antlers. base tines: ?
- he was hot on her trail
- Another hunter, w/in 150yds
- let him handle the rattling & grunting... like having my own Personal Hunting Assistant (PHA). An US celebrity moment in the woods. (US Magazine fans... you know what I'm talkin' bout.... eljabo? Liz? JenG? BenD? Yeah, I'm namin names!!)
People, have I been waiting for this!
As the sun began to set, and my fellow hunter stranger was packing it in... a lone chickadee flitted up to a nearby branch.
He called out "see-saw."
Seeing as there were no other chickadees nearby to answer him, I did my best "see-saw" back.
Immediately, the little fella flitted right up to my face, dove, and landed on my arrow shaft.
For a moment.
Then gone.
My arrow lightly bouncing on it's rest.
As the sun sank to its.
now, who's going to handle my umbrella?
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