Monday, April 14, 2008

You are Invited

Wouldn't it be something if we could get a few people together, invite our friends, and check this out?

Wonder what kind of discussion we could get going if we brought together some people with different backgrounds, lifestyles, and expressions of spirituality?

Wouldn't it be a good opportunity to build some bridges? Make some connections? Explore and affirm different ways of working for Social Justice?

I'd like to have a coffee/discussion time afterwards.... if it's not too late.

If you're free Wed, Thurs or Fri night at 7pm, come over and check it out!

Who knows, it might be a total bust. ...but what if it's not?

Drop me a comment!

The Vineyard's Promo Video

Vineyard Leader's Letter


Alise said...

Man, I haven't been by in AGES! This is definitely super cool. Our church did a week long event in March about social justice. I'm so happy to see churches embracing issues outside of the "normal" issues that Christians are "supposed to be" concerned about. Fantastic.